Monday, November 3, 2014

Catching Up.

Hey, how you doin'? It's been a while. How the kids?

Well, my baby is officially 4 weeks and tomorrow he will be a month old. Sigh. That means he will no longer be a newborn and let me tell you, the bigger he gets, the easier it is to see he is not a newborn. He also sort of makes eye contact now, so there's always that. I am in deep love with this little boy, but sometimes I fear he hates me and chooses everyone else in the world.

Whenever I come into the room, he decides to scream his cute little hairy head off and dear Lord that is a headache, heartache, whatever-ache.

But I can honestly say, I enjoy every single movement of his, all the smiles which he might just be passing gas, his little toes and hands, the way he is beginning to make eye contact. Slowly, but surely.

My BIGGEST fear is that when he grows up, he won't have a bond with me. He'll be attached to someone else. Crazy right?

Also, I am fed up with everyone telling me what I am doing or not doing is entirely wrong.

First of all, this is my first child.
Second of all, you've had your kids and if they didn't come out so well, please don't begin to judge me.

He's doing fine, he's gaining weight, the jaundice is gone. WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME?

I am happy. He is happy. We are happy. BYE!

Anyways, I read a book called The Neighbor by Lisa Gardner.

The book sort of reminds me of a Criminal Minds episode. A perfect family, mother disappears, the husband is the suspect, family has a hidden past, women reappears making peace with her husband. POLICE KNOW NOTHING, 

I would recommend this book. It sure kept me wanting to read more and more. 

I am now starting The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I intend to try and write summaries and my opinions about them. Sure they might be boring and since I am just starting, please ignore my portrayal of the book above. 

Have a great day folks, Maria. 

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