Monday, October 6, 2014


Hey there, hi there, ho there! Guess what? My beautiful baby boy was born on October 4 at 6:55pm! Heeeey. That's something to be super happy about. I'm truly happy and excited. Motherhood holds so much and I can't even begin to explain how I'm feeling. But I'll try. 😊 

So around 2 am on the fourth, I was like hey Jorge I'm not feeling so hot. I don't got my spunk man, so we called my mom and she said go to the hospital. Later, do I find out my contractions are four minutes apart and I had no idea they were even contractions! 
Then they told me I had preeclampsia! That was scary. I got put on medicine that made me all groggy. Later, I got put on pain meds that made me super loopy. I was as high as a kite. 

To make this long story short, I started pushing at two o'clock and for some reason his head wouldn't come out and I was crying, being a drama queen. I wanted a csection so bad and my boyfriend wouldn't let me give up. Kudos to him for putting up with me. That's them. ⬇️ 💙

and then around 6 I was like vacuum him! And they did since I had been going at it for so long! And 55 minutes later he was here. All cute and hairy looking at 6 pounds 3 ounces. I can honestly my boyfriend and I couldn't have made a better human being. 

My boyfriend has been so amazing. He's very attentive to my needs especially with the stitches and swelling and everything else. I'm so happy. So in love with both of my boys. 

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